This site was coded entirely by me. It has many built in security features like password hashing and protection from SQL injection. It has a login system that helps it to stand out and shows my familiarity with databases and PHP. Please watch this short video show casing the functionality or test it for yourself.
We coded a custom DAO in java for a premade database. This project taught me a lot about best practices for SQL like prepared statements, transactions, and joins. It also helped cement my expertise in the Java language. Feel free to skim over this code.
This website was coded as a replication of the iSchool website for my college. It was written in visual studio in C#. It taught me a lot of what I know about high level web app coding and using outside components. We also retrieved all the data on the site from an outside JSON file. This helped famaliarize me with the fetch api and parsing JSON data into visually pleasing HTML. Check it out for yourself.